
导读 大家好,我是小房,我来为大家解答以上问题。小小少年英文版歌名,小小少年英文版很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、A little ...


1、A little boy with little trouble

Look around the sun

A little boy with little trouble

I hope forever so good

A year a year away

The little boy grew taller

As we change from small to large

His troubles increased


A little boy with little trouble

Be light of heart from care Le Tao Tao

But one day, the storm.

Worry about troubles to

A year a year away

The little boy grew taller

As we change from small to large

His troubles increased


A little boy with little trouble

Look around the sun

A little boy with little trouble

I hope forever so good

A year a year away

The little boy grew taller

As we change from small to large

His troubles increased


A little boy with little trouble

Be light of heart from care Le Tao Tao

But one day a storm.

Worry about troubles to

A year a year away

The little boy grew taller

As we change from small to large

His troubles increased

... "...  

